Publishing Cucumber reports using Travis and GitHub pages

Recently I’ve been working on an automated testing framework for journey planners and ticketing systems. My tests are written in Cucumber and I wanted to find a way to automatically publish the test report to a website. With Travis CI and GitHub this is remarkably easy.

Generating the reports

Before getting started, I would highly recommend using Damian Szczepanik’s cucumber reports as they are much more legible than the default HTML reports:


There is a handy guide on how to them up, but the short version is to add the dependency and configure your test runner to use the plugin:

dependencies {
    // ... other dependencies omitted

configurations {
    cucumberRuntime {
        extendsFrom testImplementation

task cucumber() {
    dependsOn assemble, compileJava
    doLast {
        javaexec {
            main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
            classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
            args = [
                '--plugin', '',
                '--glue', '',

Now when the cucumber task is run the report will be in the build/reports/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports folder.


Having generated the report we can now plug it in to our Travis CI pipeline so that the results get published to a website.

Before doing this you will need to generate a GitHub personal access token. Travis CI provide instructions on how to do this. Once you’ve generated your token, add it to the environment variables for your build as GITHUB_TOKEN.

With the GitHub access token is set up we need to add a deploy step to .travis.yml:

  - ./gradlew check
  - ./gradlew cucumber || echo "done"
  - cp build/reports/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports/overview-features.html build/reports/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports/index.html
  local_dir: build/reports/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports
  provider: pages
  skip_cleanup: true
  github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  keep_history: true
    branch: master

There are a couple of things to note in there.

First, ./gradlew cucumber || echo "done" will avoid breaking the build if the cucumber tests fail. Travis will not run the deploy job if the build fails, adding || echo "done" will force an exit code of 0. Depending on the context you may or may not want this.

Second, the before_deploy step is copying the overview-features.html file to index.html so the published website has a homepage.

Now if you go to your GitHub repository settings an enable GitHub pages you will see the report published the next time you run a build:



You can go a step further and set up a Travis Cron to automatically run the build every day to regenerate the report.


Then you’ll have fresh Cucumber reports every day.
